Register For The In-Person IV Certification Training Evaluation

  • Register below and make a payment on the next page.
  • If the form fields on the registration form below are not visible then please try a different browser.
  • Make sure to fill out the entire form to prevent delays and allow us to process your order quickly!
  • Please make sure you are enrolling in the correct program.

Currently, the in-person training is available at the locations shown below. Attendance dates are flexible and are announced after the completion of the home study portion. Subject to change if needed.

FLORIDA - In Orlando - 2431 Aloma AveWinter Park, FL 32792

TEXAS - In Dallas - 211 North Ervay Street, Dallas, TX 75201

Please note:  You will receive access to the online sterile compounding course after you've made payment, to give you a head start. Access to the online course will not be instant if you sign up outside of business hours or overnight.

  • ***Check your email IMMEDIATELY for further instructions after registration AND enrollment.
  • Check spam folder as well for emails from….mayur @